Monday, March 07, 2011

SOUP'S ON Feeding the Youth Worker's Soul

Last month I participated in an event called SOUP's ON, organized by Jason Wyman of S. Kitchen I first met Jason at a training at the Department of Children Youth and Families (DCYF) and later joined in with his AFATAC Learning Circles for Site Coordinators and youth workers in middle management positions (sadly this amazing opportunity was defunded... and lucky for you the curriculum with participated in developing is on the AFATAC09 Blogsite).

SOUP'S ON- is a FREE monthly community building event for educators, youth workers and organizers. The event has a unique structure where the SOUP is the focal point, all ingredients are donated by youth workers and prepared by Jason. There is a guest speaker that shares a piece of their journey as it relates to and helps to fuel their passion to help educate and support young people in our communities and an open table discussion all shared over a piping hot bowl of soup.

I was given the honor of being the first guestspert for this event, hand picked by Jason for my passion for the city and they young people in it. In preparing for my contribution to the discussion I came to the realization that my outlook has transformed a great deal over the past 3 years, working as a Case Manager and Program Coordinator I've developed a greater sense of duty and appreciation for structure and support, while learning how to let go and allow for other people stories to unfold as they will. In the beginning all I knew was that I wanted to work with young people and that I needed to be present and available to support but had a haphazard approach the work. I had resources but not enough self discipline to have a consistent follow through, over time, training, practice, and failure, I've been able to develop my own practice and specialty in my work, I'm more confident navigating the system and I project less of my own personal experience on the youth I work with. The opportunity to powwow with other youth workers and service providers always allows me to broaden my network and add to my arsenal of stories and shared experiences.

I encourage all youth workers and educators in the Bay Area to participate in this amazing FREE event.!/event.php?eid=201092073239596

1 comment:

Jason W said...

It was a pleasure having you as the first guestpert of SOUP'S On! It was wonderful hearing your story, and I was amazed at the conversation that followed, especially about meeting the needs of San Francisco youth when you are a migrant to San Francisco (whether that migration happens from within or outside the USA.)

I look forward to continuing our journey together. xoxo, Jason