Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Reading is Sexy: "No More Prisions" William "Upski" Wimsatt

Rasta Dave

"No More Prisons" by William "Upski" Wimsatt, is one of my favorite books. The first time I picked up this book I was 15 years old, and it was the first time I felt like I was being told the truth. Many of the social study books I was being given at school, only reflected one side of history; the rich Anglo-saxon story. Even as a young middle class mixed kid I knew that there were pieces missing, and I was searching for answers as to why all my high school was talking about was cutting art based classes and sports.  I couldn't understand why the school wouldn't want to invest in their students. "No More Prisons," connected the dots for me, giving me a larger perspective of where the system had come from and where it was heading.  

I loved this book because "Upski" didn't shy away from his privilege as a middle/ upper middle class white guy,  his integrity relied on facts. I definitely still recommend this book to any one and would love to see it being taught it schools.

Please listen to the youtube link below, it's an excerpt from "No More Prisons"


Spiritually: A video Portrait of Saba G

Monday, January 13, 2014


The first time I met Young Panch was in a workshop I was guest speaking at. Panch had something magnetic about his personality, the type that makes you want to pay attention when he speaks, his analysis and reflection on the priority of education for urban life was clear, he told me there is no priority, he said, even tho' the OG's would tell him to go to school he would still see them on the block making money "easy money," and the folks from the hood that went to school and "made something of themselves," would never come back to the hood, posing the question what are the youngsters in his community supposed to aspire too?

After further conversation, Panch's ability to play with words became more clear and I began connecting dots in my head. My homie Heat (the one that I did the Die-Hard and Home Video for) had been boasting about the skills of a youngsta he used to work with named Panch... and Fillmore rapper J.Davinci has been telling me about a young MC he has been working with under Thorobred. So, when I added young Panch on  I/G @thorobredpanch it finally became more clear.

Young Panch is one of the emerging voices out of the city, if you don't know about him learn about him. Start following him today. Below is his latest video called "Living in Hell."