Monday, February 01, 2010

S.tart Y.our O.wn R.ebellion

What would happen if the majority of world allowed their individuality and fire to be held captive by a technological world dictatorship? Where would you stand? Would you allow yourself to be part of the New World status-quo or will you fight to keep your humanity?
Check it out, this project is an ingenious collaboration between cartoon illustrators and M.C's, to tell a story of maintaining ones individuality and sanity in a capitalistic, technology driven dictatorship by a man that can't let go of his control over the world.

My homie Mez gave me an advanced listen to Mixtape soon to be released with Comic and the first animated episode. (WTF CRAZY ARTIST!!!) And it's been in steady rotation since, "Special," "Broken Heart," "Any City" honestly I can listen to the Mixtape all the way through.

I Love It. I've already started my own rebellion. What about ya'll?


CLE2 said...

love it! Lazymills is the best. she did a great job on it

Nina Parks said...

word! i was so excited to find out they had an women illustrator!

CLE2 said...
